Getting started...

I have spent the past few days organizing my workspace and reacquainting myself with all the junk I have collected for my art. I am making a pact with myself not to collect anything else until I have used up some of what I already have...unless, of course, something absolutely amazing crosses my path :)

A lot of my work is inspired by the materials I use; checking out what I have is giving me ideas.

First Post

Hi there....I have resisted starting a blog as writing is not my favourite activity in life, but I think it might be fun to communicate this way; maybe I'll use this as a diary of my art adventure...I'll see.

I pretty well work by myself so making art is a bit of a lonely endeavour. However, I just found out last week that I have been accepted into the Hills of Erin Studio Tour happening this September (in and around Erin, near Everdale where I spend a lot of time). I will be meeting the other artists in April and we will be working together to make it happen. I look forward to meeting some fellow local artists.....

Signing up for the studio tour is now providing me with a goal to get cracking after a long hiatus from doing art..