I love Mayan textiles!
I have purchased quite a few used huipiles (women’s blouses/shirts) over the past few years, mostly from a store in Antigua, a lovely old colonial city about 45 minutes away from Guatemala City. The store has a huge pile of old huipiles that I go through each time I’m in Guatemala; I’m always searching for treasures.
On my recent trip I started looking also at the insides of the huipiles to see the weavings’ backsides. A lot have little thread ends all over from small coloured sections, woven in or hand-embroidered. They reminded me of the wires I use these days….so I am going to work on combining wires and textiles in the next little while. I love working with wires, but very much miss the textures of textiles.
Used huipiles for sale, Antigua, Guatemala